prtvnow! FAQ

prtvnow! uses streaming technology to deliver traditional television programming. What is streaming?

Streaming allows you to view or listen to content immediately over the internet without downloading, storing or managing any files. This requires the user to be connected to the internet while the content is flowing.

How much internet speed do I need to stream prtvnow!?

For the best experience, you must subscribe to an adequate speed of internet service; A typical PRTV NOW! stream requires 5Mb.

Can I watch TV anywhere, even away from my home?

Because PRTV NOW! is a streaming service, ir requires the use of your home IP addres and home network to watch live TV. You can, however, watch and set recordings from just about anywwere with a Wi-Fi Connection.

Can I watch it on any TV or device in my house?

Our service includes two streams which can be viewed on any two supported screens at a time. To view view content on additional screeens at the same time, we suggest having a stream for each member of your household – up to seven streams are available.

How do I know which TVs and devices are supported?

PRTV NOW! works on a variety of streaming devices, including the Amazon Fire TV Stick. We recommend using devices you already own and are familiar with, prviding they are compatible. View a currently list on the back side of this page.
When purchasing new devices, be sure to review their technical specifications to confirm they’re compatible with PRTV NOW!, and meet your expectations.

Does prtvnow! have my local channels?

Yes, the channel lineups are almost identical to the lineups you have now. View channel cards at for current lineups.

Is HD available?

High Definition refers to the resolution of an image or screen: the higher the resolution, the more detailed the image. PRTV NOW! has auto detection capabilities giving you the best picture available at all times.

Is DVR available?

Yes, PRTV NOW! comes with 50 hours (more available) of Cloud DVR allowing you to control live TV and and record programs.

What is Cloud DVR?

Cloud DVR does not have the same limitaions as a regular DVE set-top box. There is no acutal box or wires and cables; instead, the data is stored by Park Region Companies allowing for more storage capacity and the ability to record more show that air at the same time. Content is stored and accessed based on the user’s login information

What is Replay TV?

Watch up to the past 72 hours of shows, movies and sports across most of our channles. Although, not all networks have given us permission, and Replay TV is enabled/disabled on an individual show and/or network basis.